A lot of people have been saying how much they like the sunflowers on Watton Road opposite the Harwood Park crematorium.
These sunflowers are part of a project within our wider environmental initiative and are designed to progressively release seed for birds from right now through to mid winter when the birds need them most.
The sunflowers are the most obvious part of this project, but actually it’s the other five species that we have mixed them with that provide the bulk of the long term supply of bird seed. In that one strip, we have established 130,000 square feet of these seed-rich plants, which is an area the size of approximately 60 tennis courts.
Normally this kind of environmental initiative would be tucked away from sight elsewhere on the farm, but we thought people travelling along Watton Rd or visiting Harwood Park might enjoy it.
Thanks for everyone’s positive feedback on this project, we appreciate it.